Terraces on Walhalla Annual Meeting
April 28, 2019
6 pm, Lobby
Meeting called to order at 6 pm. In attendance were President Mike McClaran, Board Member Chad Wells, and Treasurer George Glazier. Also present were residents David Heringhaus, Mark Kautzmann, Helen O’Leary, John Joe Judge, Sergei Bobik, and Judy Montanaro.
Chad reported on the status of the building project, which is nearly complete, and on the lawsuit against the developer. We hope to be able to meet with all litigants in the near future for a settlement conference, but a trial date has been set for this fall.
Mike reported on the need for condominium rules, fines, and the clean-up notices, particularly given the unexpected turnover of residents in the past year. Rules for the common terraces were posted on the bulletin board and will be added to the web page soon.
Because a Board candidate had previously withdrawn and Jan Bourke’s term had expired, we discussed the necessity of filling board positions quickly. With only one director, most condo business would have to stop because a quorum (two people) is required to approve expenditures. Chad said that our attorney warned that if that were to happen, the association could be sued for non-payment of a bill and the court would turn management over to a private company potentially charging hundreds of dollars per hour.
Noting that David Heringhaus had already agreed to run for the board position expiring in 2020, Mike called for volunteers or nominations for the 2022 seat. George Glazier volunteered to run and maintain his office of Treasurer. There were no other volunteers or nominations. Chad moved that nominations be closed, John Joe second. Mark called for a vote, and David and George were elected unanimously, terms starting immediately.
George reported on association finances, and there was a discussion of ensuring that the reserve study needs to be reviewed. Mike reported that he has contacted a CPA firm about an audit.
In other business, we discussed getting FHA certification for the condo although there was little support for it, and allocation of parking spaces.
The meeting was adjourned at 7.15 pm.